Open Lab Egypt (OLE) – Video Interactive Projects
Cairo workshop: October 16- 30, 2009
Alexandria workshop: 25 Nov - 4 Dec
Workshop for the production of ideas/projects around the concept of interactive image and sound, using a combination of free hardware and software platforms (PD and Arduino) to deepen in the use of electronics and programming.
The workshop is intended for art students, artists, designers and educators, contributing to development cultural production in local communities.
A long term project based on several workshop phases between Cairo and Alexandria, initiated with aims of developing the use of electronic interface within Art creation in Egypt.
The project phases will provide introduction to the technique, experimentation with tools, investigating ideas and concept evaluation.
For more information:\ole.html
Workshop is organized by:
Medrar and Hangar
OLE Cairo workshop
16 october - 31 october 2009 at The Rooftop Studio
During the two weeks of workshop a space of reflection, investigation and collaborative work developed in a context of production, encounter, dialogues and collective learning where several tutors exert of technical advisers of the artists and work groups who develop each one of the proposals.
The platforms taught are all open - software and hardware.
- Introduction to electronics and microcontrollers concepts - Using Sensors - Control of Video and Audio - Work on projects suggested by the participants
Duration: 15 days, including open seminars and demonstration of resulting works
Day 1: Introduction to Electronics and Arduino
- Breadboard.
- Electronic components description.
- Basic electronic laws.
- Introduction to Arduino hardware and microcontrollers .
- Programming Arduino board.
Install Arduino software
- Connect Arduino to computer.
- Program simple blink led example.
(Objective: Introduction to electronics and microcontrollers concepts)
Day 2: Introduction to Arduino software
- Description of the basic instructions (reference)
- Theory of serial protocol.
- Concept of analog and digital. Sampling and bitrate.
- Reading buttons and analog values.
- Using leds like visualizer.
- Sending data with the serial port.
(Objective: Comprension of the Arduino software and basic examples)
Day 3: Sensors and actuators
- Explain different sensor technologies. (light, force, acceleration, infrared, ultrasonic, etc.).
- Explain different actuators technologies. (Motors, Servos, lights, solenoids, relays, etc.).
- Reading different kind of sensors.
- Simple examples for control of different kinds of motors using extra electronics.
- Controlling complex actuators, high voltage, motion, etc.
(Objective: Comprension of basic sensors and actuators - Phisical computing tools)
Day 4: Arduino vs. Pure Data
- Simple protocol strategies to send/recieve data to/from computer.
- How to send data from sensors to PD.
- How to control actuators from PD.
- Basic examples and communication between Ardunio and PD.
- Controlling Arduino from Pure Data.
- Controlling a computer from Arduino.
Day 5-14: Thematic Working Groups (Practice)
The participants will form groups and work on projects proposed by themselves.
Presented by: The workshop is organized by Medrar (Cairo) and Hangar (Spain) Instruction and supervision during the workshop leaded by:
Sergi Lario
Programmer, visual experimenter, engineer in computer systems and technical development of applications. Escaping from the commercial world he has put his deep technical skills to the service of digital arts - giving workshops on interactive video, performing visuals in numerous spaces in Spain and collaborating in Pure Data development - notably the collection of Pdvjtools.
Personal web page (in catalan):
Alex Posada
Electronic engineer, musician and digital artist, he centers his work on the search for new forms of interaction with technology. He currently directs the Interaction Lab in Hangar, Barcelona where he has developed numerous projects for artists.
With Carlos Martinez he has the group Neuronoise (, creating live shows and installations that combine sound, image and interactivity.
More informations and videos about Cairo workshop:
Alexandria workshop
November 25 to 4th of December, 2009
Computer Vision Techniques for Interactive Installations
The aim of this workshop is to teach the use of the camera as a device for creating interactive audiovisual installations. Using the OpenCV library ( )
Participants will learn the basics of Computer Vision Techniques and then be able to start applying them to artistic projects.
During the 10 days of workshop a space of reflection, investigation and collaborative work will be developed in a context of production, encounter, dialogues and collective learning where several tutors exert of technical advisers of the artists and work groups who develop each one of the proposals.
The platforms taught are all open - software and hardware - but may be adapted to any system.
- Introduction to Computer Vision
- Processing Live Video
- Processing of data
- Motion Detection in a public space
- Control of Video and Audio
- Work on projects suggested by the participants
Duration: 10 days, including open seminars and demonstration of resulting works.
Tutors Yves Degoyon & Lluis Gomez i Bigorda
Day 1: Introduction to Computer Vision
- Image and Video Format Concepts ( RGB, YUV, ... )
- Static and Dynamic processing of images and video frames.
- Movement Detection example - Simple Tracking example - Tracking using Pattern recognition.
- Pattern recognition using a Statistical approach.
- Conversion of videos to a format suitable for analysis.
- Simple Movement detection example.
- Simple Tracking example.
(Objective: Showing a panorama of existing computer vision techniques )
Day 2: Processing Live Video
- Which camera to use? What to expect?
- The importance of lightning and contrast.
- Noise removal and filtering.
- Advanced filtering and pre-processing of video.
- Using simple examples using different kind of inputs.
- Measure and see the importance of filtering.
- Use of video pre-processing techniques.
(Objective: Stabilize the first examples with a more precise detection and tracking)
Day 3: Processing of data
- Connecting analysis data to media processing.
- Smoothing data to get more stable results.
- Process incoming data to produce interaction.
- Connect first examples to a media production unit (sound and/or video)
- Calibrating inputs to get the expected result.
(Objective: Using incoming data and process it to produce interaction)
Day 4: Choose the right technique in the right context
- Outdoor/Indoor context.
- Camera/Lighting setup for a ‘Darkroom’.
- Importance of background and contrast.
- Using basic examples in different context (outdoor, dark room)
- Playing with contrast and background (Objective: Determine the best technique and setup for different contexts)
Day 5-10: Thematic Working Groups ( Practice )
- Motion Detection in a public space
- Tracking in the context of dance and theater.
- Augmented reality.
- Interactive sound instruments.
(Objective: Realize a few prototypes using computer vision techniques for different kind of applications, towards a real application).
Presented by:
The workshop is organized by Medrar (Cairo) and Hangar (Spain)
Instruction and supervision during the workshop will be leaded by:
Lluis Gomez i Bigorda:
A programmer specialized in free technologies applied to artistic creation and real time internet communication. He has developed applications, libraries and objects for Pure Data (for performances, installations, VJs etc.) He is a member of the visual arts collectives R3 and T4 as well as the GISS.TV developers group. He currently works in Hangar, centre for production in contemporary art.
Yves Degoyon:
A musician/performer and a free software developer/dealer. A living legend in the free software community, he has worked on numerous artistic and community projects promoting self-mediation and inventive ways of communicating and organizing. Currently he is the main developer of and collaborates with Lluis Gomez on the openCV library for PD. He's practising copyleft philosophy under the name of d.R.e.G.S :
OLE - Open Lab Egypt at The Rooftop Studio - 1st day & 2nd day
Open Lab Egypt (OLE), 3rd Day
Open Lab Egypt (OLE), 4th Day
Open Lab Egypt (OLE), 5th Day
Open Lab Egypt (OLE),6th Day